
Biology PSI Society Homeworld Language Background Notes


Several studies have been made of this race by the Mogensen. The Drambania could closest be resemble scorpions from Earth or dantras from Manwon, having 4 legs, 2 arms and a tail. They are well protected by a strong exoskeleton, which shields them from many of the extremes of their climate. Usually the exoskeleton is red in colour with black shaded patterns. On average they are 1 meter tall with tails of similar length with a large ball at the end, primarily used as a weapon. It has been observed that in particular areas it is customary to bind (using a strong sinue) the ball on the tail at a very early age in order to shape it. The most commonly observed shapings is to elongate the ball and add ridges along it's length. Other more complex shaping have been noted, including pointing it at the end and ridging it in both lengthwise and widthwise to create a pineapple type effect. Their arms extend from their forward protruding torso and have two elbow type joints. The upper joint bends out from the body while the lower joint bends inwards, this allows for fast retraction and extraction of the arms, very useful in combat. At the end of the arms are 4 pointed fingers which can be equally good at stabbing or utilising tools. The Drambania are very adaptable to climate change, being equally comfortable in the heat of their worlds equator regions as well as the cold of the polar regions.


It is unknown if the Drambania possess any PSI skills but given their hive structure it is thought that PSI abilities may be used in communication.


So far it has been established that Drambania society is largely hive based. Hives often consist of many smaller hives, all brought together under a single controlling hive, usually by conquest. This is most evident in the cities between the equator and polar regions where usually only 3 or 4 hives will control a city, with a very limited level of cooperation. Corruption and greed is rife with in the cities and sections of a hive breaking away from the control hive is not unusual (this aspect of the social structure has led many to believe that this may not be a true hive structure but rather just a command structure similar to a hive. However, mush more study would be required to establish a conclusion on the matter). In recent years it has been observed that several huge hives have developed, controlling an entire city themselves. The development of superior technologies seems to have given these hives a great advantage. While these large hives seem to be concentrating their efforts on space, most of the smaller hives are still in an almost continual state of war.


The Drambania homeworld is very hostile around it's equator regions, with temperature in the red deserts consistently over 50C. Volcanic activity is common within near the equator, although some of the largest volcanoes are actually in the southern polar region. The polar regions themselves can be as cold as -40C in the winter seasons. Between the equator and polar regions the climate is a lot less hostile and the lands are very fertile, allowing for the support of the vast farming complexes developed in these areas. As well as the farming complexes, the majority of the cities are located in these areas. The planets surface is roughly 50% water, with the bigger ocean being located in the northern regions.


Very little is known about their language except that they speak very quickly, being able to pronounce 4 or 5 syllables in the time the rest of us can pronounce 1. It is thought that very few races will ever be able to understand this language due to the physical limitations of their ears (or other similar organs). There is an unconfirmed report that 3 years ago a Mogensen scout ship rescued a Drambanian from a ship attempting interplanetary travel moments before the ship exploded. As the Drambanian lay dieing it supposedly spoke in a slow language that sounded similar to English, although the only clear words heard sounded like "help" and "fail". Most experts believe, however, that the Drambanian lacked the energy to talk normally and as a result it's resultant speech was broken and strained giving the impression of speaking another language.


Teh Mogensen have been watching the Drambania for some time now and have observed a high degree of hostility in their nature and so are concerned about their emergence into space. Currently the Drambania have achieved orbital space flight through use of rocket powered craft adapted from their combat aircraft models. Several attempts have been made at interplanetary travel in recent years, none of which have been successful (they do not have any moons around their planet, so interplanetary travel is their next step after orbital). The rate of the Drambania's technological progress has been staggering, 30 years ago they were pre-nuclear and now they are on the verge of interplanetary travel. Ion drive traces have even been detected in the planets outer-atmosphere, but as yet other evidence of Ion drive capability has not been observed suggesting that the hive involved is keeping it's development a very close secret, presumably to use it against the other hives.


At several locations in the northern hemisphere of the planet there are the ruins of possible towns, many hundreds of years old. Due to dimensions of doors and steps it is believed that the towns do not belong to the Drambania, but to another race. It is not known if this race originated on the planet or if the race came from another planet. Also it is unknown if this race were destroyed by the Drambania or if they left the planet of their own accord.

Collins Encyclopedia Galactica - All Contents © Eddie Collins , Chris Page & Rob Asumendi